good lord you must have been saving those up for a while now
you can take both but on different models. In your example the Pendant only effects the slann and the Rectrices only effects the oracle. also 2 x...
ok i admit it has been quick fr DoK but Nighthaunt? they where a 2nd edition release book. if any one needed it they did.
30 million and 1 tanks!!!
good choice!
also it would depend on GW being good at balancing things in the first place. they can't get points right what makes you think they can juggle...
3rd edition murdered a lot of our bad units. many where fine before the changes ruined them. that said 3rd edition also saved all of our monsters...
it was very light on saurus only about 800 points of the list.
wow thats a LOT of money. crap how much could i get for 2 months pay? lets see that would be 9600 skinks.
the thing is i don't want to give any ground. as we have seen every where else if unopposed the left tends to ruin things.
some one called all republicans racist and i call them out for it. this got me permanently banned
welp got banned from didn'tknowiwantedthat. This comment may have fully or partially contributed to your ban: You implying that a third of the...
bloody hell....
you where talking about that. im very exited to see how it went
you haven't seen my turny lists:p
those aren't good but mostly it would just make regiment combat better. we would be seeing a core of warriors with monster support as one of our...
sorry bud. a lot of people care very much about this. the things we love are being treated badly to the point that i stopped playing the army...
heck even slann taking the field is VERY uncommon(like once ever out side of Maz). they are far to valuable to risk in front line action they...
they are a part of the lore just not a part that fights very often. the war of the serpent was a stand out event where the skinks activly went to...
oh. well kind of? if we set aside the fact that you originaly clamed they where the back bone of the army "Skinks are literally the backbone of...