Or Assassin's Creed: Shadows in space? You can keep that one :p
Hmm... it's been made to look more feminine and less like a trans rights activist with the extra breast, and it's been painted very well, no doubt...
I did so simply because in the Warhammer Community post the model was claimed to be the 'GOAT' of Blood Bowl... so as bad as the model is, he is...
A fitting counterpart for the Chaos Gods poll! My choice is Chotec, Old One of the Sun, not only because he's the god/Old One I've based my army...
Ah, the Lionel Messi of Blood Bowl ;) For once we're in complete agreement on the model, not my cup of tea at all... he'd work well as a...
[IMG] Some good and interesting selections there @Killer Angel! Now it's my turn. A lot of these I can't decide on the absolute best, so have...
Oh yes... I have the following armies: Dwarfs Greenskins High Elves Lizardmen Skaven Beastmen Three Good and three Evil. Yet the temptation is...
The Dark Prince, Slaanesh... you certainly post enough of his approval memes to be considered a supporter of his ;) Fair enough... GW not...
Welcome to the jungle! Yep the Warhammer: Total War games have been a big entry point for the hobby for a while, great to see another Lizard join...
That's not even a Stormtrooper, it's a Phase II Clone Trooper as evidenced by the helmet, rifle and the wearing of personal colours on the armour....
I'm pretty sure I still know what your vote's going to be, though I must admit I am surprised it's not Hashut given your love of the Dawi-Zharr....
And the hallowed halls of Necrontyr Online, which I was a relatively new but growing part of. A small number of us were just getting into a...
Mate, what happened to your Samurai project? Got any more of them in the works? Also, I wonder if you've noticed these - when they were first...
Near-as-damn-it everyone does, because they were always part of Fantasy in the past, and still very much exist in the TOW era. I wouldn't expect...
As the Horned Rat is now allegedly a fully-fledged Chaos God, we should rerun the poll with him as a choice. And Hashut and Malal, too.
This, except the Khemric Titan would replace the Bone Dragon as the super-mount for a Tomb King or Liche Priest... and the new faction should be...
Now this is interesting... that's the first meme I've seen that illustrates how AoS is dying... meaning certain portions of the Internet other...
[IMG] Perhaps there's hope, then, that in time they'll change their view on the 'Legacy' factions... most likely once they've released the big 9...