I'm interested to hear @Killer Angel's choices first, and then I'll reveal my own.
Is said Honoured Brother a completely nude grumpy Ancient Greek hermit inside that sarcophagus? :p Why else would he be called Diogenes? ;)
Gods, I didn't think of this application of the orange potion... I could instantly speak Brythonic, and Old English... That makes said potion a...
Most interesting... let's analyse each one in turn: Pink: While the surface benefits look good, I do wonder if there are still benefits of sleep...
George Lucas :D:D:D Or, if you're British like me and have seen Porridge, Luke Warm ;) Take your pick :cool: Bit early in the year still for...
On the contrary, in Fantasy lore Halflings have been confirmed to be pretty much the same - extreme gluttons that steal, eat, drink and have sex...
Bleh, the Dark Elf pseudo-velociraptors are overrated. I've always preferred the Lizardmen ones for just being more out-there and different, a...
Oh blimey, if you've got a problem then so have I - I've got quantities of stuff I haven't yet built because I've grabbed it when I saw it and...
If you're just after the figures then they'll probably come out as separate boxes, so you might as well wait until they arrive in that medium....
Hell yes! Given the scale creep that has occurred with Middle-Earth models across the years, I reckon these new ones would scale pretty well with...
Do they make plastic Malcadors for the Horus Heresy now, or is it a kitbash from something else? The Guns of Sotek vs The Skaviir Dominion......
[IMG] The memes are strong with you... ...A powerful Meme Lord you will become!
"Weather Potato" :D Gods, that is gloriously savage :hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious::hilarious: True enough, but he was...
I somehow completely missed this. Congrats @- Q - on reaching Slannhood, my friend! We haven't had a new Slann spawn amongst us for a long, long...
Why not make a meme using this? https://imgflip.com/memegenerator It allows you to upload your own image as a template, so find a pic of a...
Oh yes, my family known him as The Saint too, but I've always thought that made little difference given Simon Templar and Bond are very similar...
Well, the starter set for the new edition of the SBG has been previewed for the first time: [IMG] The four new characters have an extraordinary...
Funny you should mention this... on holiday back in early July I visited a game store in the local area of where we were staying, and I was amused...
It's certainly true that there are some folk who retain that saltiness still around, but they're usually people who just haven't been bothered to...