I don't know of any clubs that still play it, but I still play 1st Edition with my father at home, taking it in turns to be Rebels or Empire. I...
Played a game of 6th 40K against an uncle of mine on Tuesday, when he brought his new Imperial Guard army to face my Tyranids for the first time....
An interesting question. I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss the Dawi... sure, you're not going to be as pretty as an Elf but you still have several...
It could go either way to be honest... I hope both get a new plastic something though, as neither of them have an AoS plastic range or such a mass...
That's my hope! :). I reckon those two factions will arrive quite close to each other, being such bitter rivals like the Dwarfs and Greenskins,...
I don't think there will even be Skaven for the AoS side, I think all the Skaven stuff was previewed a few weeks ago when they won the boxed game...
They look more like Cassowaries to me, with the crest on the top of their heads and the especially pointed tails. But casting them as emus of...
Remember when I mentioned North Star released some plastic Orc Infantry for Oathmark, that I thought would work well as Mordor Uruks? Well, now...
I don't know what people think of the actual books nowadays, but I do know they have become meme-fodder :p [IMG] [IMG] [IMG] Indeed, being...
Unusually verdant for a Tomb Complex, but I love that Necron board! I'd be interested to know the full specifics as to how they made it.
Probably because I haven't checked the non-Warhammer memes threads for a long while...
Clearly not plastered over the wargaming sites and forums that are pretty much the only areas on the Internet I bother to visit nowadays :D
I've never seen the Break Dancing meme and I couldn't give a toss about Grogu, so nothing's changed in my world :p
Here's a post from a little while ago giving some teasers on what's coming in the new Edition of the SBG:...
Looks a good 'un too, except for one thing... no options to create custom factions! One of the things I liked most about the old 1st Edition Wars...
It looks that way: [ATTACH] But to be fair, they've had a load of new AoS plastics in recent times, so they're not exactly bereft of choice.
Two solutions: Find a FLGS that gives a significant discount Second-hand market Until next time :cool:
Finally got some Gors for my Beastmen a couple of days ago... some second-hand Tzaangor models that I've more recently kitbashed with a load of...
Ah yes, I recall it was Wood Elves you (or more accurately @Mrs. NIGHTBRINGER) were after, but, knowing you're such a fan of your Warriors, I...
Less my personal whims and more my personal logic... often when I see something crop up I think "Ah, a great time to do x and y!", only for GW to...