The spell is 24", but if you March in the first turn when the enemy is out of range anyway (8") and then in the second turn move 4" and use the...
To be fair, he probably encapsulates some real-world bodybuilders pretty well :D
It's been enjoyable watching the Drinker vent his fury upon the latest Star Wars-flavoured mess to come from Disney+: [MEDIA] [MEDIA] [MEDIA] I...
To be honest though it does make sense as far as 40K Admech already has a sizeable army, whereas 30K Mechanicum didn't (at least in plastic). Why...
As an RPG-centric everything-but-the-kitchen-sink universe, what could be more appropriate for your WorldAnvil site than Dungeons and Dragons? ;)
Also, this popped up on the official Old World Facebook page today: [ATTACH] Hopefully this means the Dawi will be announced this Sunday (and the...
People were saying that about both the Dwarf factions because GW just can't seem to be bothered to think of new releases for either apart from...
Interesting to see that Kruleboyz are back to being their own faction again, no sign of the Orc Warclans soup faction anymore. Good news for...
Completely missed the article that announced this one and had to look it up... good to see Arnor get a new special character, they were in need of...
Looks like we're all in agreement! Padme's definitely got the most natural-looking expression of concentration of the four. I thought Luke...
Predator stomps, it's not even close. Ewoks are one of the worst alien races in Star Wars when it comes to fighting if you discount their RoTJ...
That's something I was thinking too... but then this is Skaven we're talking about here, they couldn't give a damn about Quality Control so long...
New Skaven model inbound: [IMG] [IMG] Just stick a Warlord model on top and he'll make a great Rat Ogre Bonebreaker. And the Warpfire...
Another equally inspiring idea, though, aside from red uniforms harmonising with your Oldblood's cloak and tunic, I don't see how he would fit in...
The Big Retirement? Surely the great @NIGHTBRINGER, our resident Sith Lord, is not yet ready to depart into the netherworld of the Force and leave us?
Ave Imperator! An excellent conversion you have there! :) I wouldn't worry about the existence of Roman themes amidst the Tilean army in...
Fair enough!
I take it you're a Talisman fan? Personally I've never understood why GW keep going back to this completely non-Warhammer game... I suppose it's...
You forget Icheb and the rest of Seven's brood of little ex-Borg she picks up in Series 6.