Been 3d printing myself a Galleon ship. [ATTACH] Still more to go. It's a big beastie. Here's a skink for size scale purposes. [ATTACH]...
In the hypothetical scenario where the Lady that enjoys bathing in lakes looks at a lizardman of any flavour and thinks "perfect, I'll give that...
Reasonably sure it's tied in to how long I've been on the page. Just tested it by taking my time making a post on What If - Grail Saurus and the...
:( I remember reading a bunch of his stuff when I first created an account here. Seemed like a swell guy. I'm upset I never got to speak with him
I'll give it a little time, a week, see if it sorts itself out or gets fixed up in general site maintenance. Made this thread just to let people...
No. So far the only thing that has worked had been to leave the page entirely and come back later, and hopefully beat the timer. I'll keep...
Ok, noticing a pattern: that error appears if I am on a page for a period of time, after which I can't post. I am literally racing an invisible...
XD Well, back before the End Times, at least one author put in the theory that The Lady is actually an Old One, though the Reddit comment that...
You might have seen this post on Reddit, but for diversity of answers here's a post upon Lustria Online. So... this was a random thought that...
I know the feeling. I mean, not in this specific context, as I've never set the theme for an LO writing context, but I've been in a similar...
Trying to post a replay in the January-February 2025 Short Story thread, and I'm getting THIS as a reaction. So far, it only seems to be...
I'm not even using the app and I'm getting it as all script. :-/
Understandable, when I think Bretonnian knights, I do think greathelms along with the plate and tabards
Love how he has an instrument that requires he put his lips to it... while wearing a face concealing greathelm. I'm just imagining the first...
Two thin coats (HAH) of Testors matte varnish has never let me down. The only downside I ever had with Testors has been the small size of the...
Look'it these knights, ready to charge in the name of "ze Lady", with all their colourful glory!
Not that I have seen. Even most maps I've seen can vary in details, which on one hand is very authentic to hand-drawn maps in a setting where they...
That is going to make a lot of people very happy. I hear so many people talk about how the Island of Blood figures were good and the fact they...
Update time: Paint the spearmen I assembled in January - painted, just need to base them Prime the 10 saurus redcoats that will be February's...
Yea. My friend is a massive berserk fan, so when I saw that miniature on Hard-Core Miniatures, I knew I had to grab it for him. He was happy with...