Wasted opportunity to not have a miniature Shrek riding one of those giant gingerbread men's shoulders. XD
It's not the feathers that are the problem, it's the animal head decoration that the feathers are attached to. It it was a simple sallet helm, it...
The taint of AoS's conception and first year of life is forever tarnishing it to this day.
Ooh, a member of the Knights Panther! Hmm... not overly keen on the helmet, the ornament on top gives me too much of a Bretonnia vibe, even...
Ah, no need to be petty, at least the Old World is back in some form. Let the newbies who came into Warhammer through AoS be content with their...
VICTORY! Well done. Showing those warmbloods who the real champions are.
Funny how nobody cared for the war alter. XD The reddit post did bring up Empire Generals having the Karl Franz references removed as well, so...
Battle on the Mud - The Eastern Fall Northern Middenland Battle Duration: 3.5 hours — Sergeant Yeucan'dewit hurriedly pumped the ramrod down the...
WOO! The first Warhammer Fantasy fic I really got into is coming back! Break out the celebratory booze! WOOOO! [ATTACH] Always a good practice...
It was my pleasure. XD That certainly hasn't stopped you from consistently winning :-P
So, my writing "voice" then. Hmm, not something easily changed for the sake of disguise. XD And I'm not about to run it through ChatGPT with the...
Sometimes it is nice to consider ideas before committing to them under the one-month time limit. I'd still use the month beforehand to take the...
Mmm... proper pikes instead of paltry spears. I mean, I get why pikes are a bit of a risk in 28mm scale models, they're long and liable to snap,...
Hmm.. time to troubleshoot some ideas for viability and potential. Even if it doesn't turn out to be the final prompt, would still be a good...
We have laser beams mounted on the backs of dinosaurs, who needs cannons? :-P
Battle on the Mud - Clash of Titans Northern Middenland Battle Duration: 3.1 hours — Boney's breath came out harsh and jagged, hand clutching at...
Some detective on Reddit has noticed that unless the pictures of the Empire models have been digitally altered, the molds have been adjusted. No...
[ATTACH] Yes, let me know soon so that I might create a story and bask in the glory and euphoria of a story written.
I was going to make that exact joke XD Though I can also picture the spawning pool attendants, out of boredom, making a challenge to see what...
The Spawning Pool attendants, as well as the resident Slann (or if not available, his personal attendants) are responsible for naming individuals...