Ok... some thoughts on the stories that weren't written by me. Story One "A Critique" I hate to say it, but I don't feel surprised at that...
He looks so happy to get to use that heavy bolter. Better hope that the remains of the Forgeworld don't have old movie entertainment archives. I...
Sadly wasn't able to back it, as my funds are... Well, my wallet has more of a history of carrying mothballs than it does actual monetary value....
I was very tempted to have a Dawi-Zhaar image, but I was already at the low end of the word limit so I nixed the idea. No problem. I thought the...
Yea, my problem (that isn't me being a contrarian about popular shows) is that these are all big-time popular shows. If you'd made this list of...
How many tracks do you want to build your palace on? Yes.
Ok, going by real lizards... I'll attach a picture of my baby girl for reference. [IMG] Do you see that hole? The one sort of between head and...
Hmm... I have a suspicion on the why that is the case. And it isn't just because of the Meme-bringer dancing about Chaos Dwarfs in the background...
Two days to go. Will there be any last minutes voters emerging from the null void of the aether to put in some changes at the dramatic moment, or...
Battle on the Mud - Lethal Dance Northern Middenland Battle Duration: 3 hours — Leaves fluttered, crisp and brown, starkly contrasting to the...
Travel through the Warp is always a fun experience. I'm pretty sure (but can't cite a source) that there were reported instances of ships arriving...
That's a fair opinion. Hmm... a time period that might be interesting for sci-fi'd up lizardmen to make an appearance... *ponder pose activate*...
If you want to go for time-loop shenanigans, they appear at the End Times, try to prevent the aforementioned End Times, but it was through their...
Yea, for smaller-scale battles they really want you to use the Kill Team ruleset. My issue with Kill Team - at least when I last looked at it -...
Might just be it. True, but in the time since, Warcraft has built up it's own image. You put a Warcraft character next to a Warhammer character,...
I get more Warcraft vibes than Warhammer. Can't place why though. I mean, 40k certainly popularised the oversized shoulder pads look, so it can't...
Eyuch. That attitude is why I haven't finished my Tau army yet. I want to play narrative campaigns, games for fun without mucking about with...
Battle on the Mud - Counter Strike Northern Middenland Battle Duration: 2.5 hours — Lord Meinhard Hoffman had fought in battles before. One did...
This. Also, I am sick of every city I see being half destroyed and borderline ruins. I want to see urban warfare where the city has not yet been...
Right... December goals... Assemble 6 Fireforge Footknights Prime 6 Fireforge Footknights --- Taking a short break from the redcoat saurus so...