It genuinely does, and I am jealous of your skill in crafting such. Meanwhile, all I can do is hoard STL files and hope to one day actually have...
Oh good, I have been waiting for the Empire Arcane Journal. Not overly fussed about any models that get (re)released, as my Empire army is...
I've tended to write my lizardmen as being biologically different enough that the diseases that affect warmbloods are mostly ineffective against...
Good luck. Do us lizards proud!
My New Age Viking dude-man-dude. [ATTACH] [ATTACH] You know what the absolute worst part about taking pictures of my work is? It isn't the...
Well how else is he supposed to slap those he is challenging to a duel if not with a glove? :p
Go for the low hanging fruit... Roq'zann has colours reminiscent of Dr Alan Grant, while the mount shall be coloured after The Big One (aka Clever...
Oh that is cool!
My phone has an irritating "feature" in that it doesn't let the LED be on while in camera mode. It's flash or nothing. Do plan to get a lamp at...
[ATTACH] Kane lives! Picture annoyingly doesn't capture my Tiberium crystals very well, though they are still noticeable. Also gad dangit, I...
Boo! Punt the Nurgling! Purge the disease with fire and spite! Also is that a pus-y(?) wort on the Nurgling's belly? Ewww.... I've never had to...
Hmm... The troll looks good, but overall not digging the orcs. Though they do seem like actual characters. Bulk and Skull, orc edition. Did I...
Slowly and steady, I presume? @_@ Still, looking forward to seeing the finished article.
Reunions in the Rain Five hundred years ago — Ingwel’tonl stared at the map on the makeshift table in front of him, keen eyes taking in every...
Day 10 Report Paint 10 saurus redcoats - 4/10 (none on bases yet though) Paint a minimum of 3 miscellaneous/RPG miniatures - Not started Paint...
Thinking on it, that recommendation I gave on the Games Workshop allows you to greenlight a project, what do you choose? thread, about a ruleset...
I anticipate the most awkward and hilarious attempt at "feminine wiles" ever.
Barely any, just the material cost of manufacturing what they already have moulds for. You'd certainly think so. Especially considering how many...
I think there have been hints that they be making a comeback in this latest edition of Age of Sigmar. But that could easily be wishful thinking...
:shifty: How fortunate for me that most ps1 games I care for have pc ports or were ports themselves anyway. Not gonna lie, losing Crash...