Exactly what I thought also but NIGHTBRINGER just brought it up quite a bit better. :D It can be a bit hard to track down all the variables...
I don't really care in either way. As mentioned PF is not that huge impact on the game and I don't really agree on the arguments that it is time...
No as he was not the target of the original spell. And the regeneration special rule doesn't transfer from unit to character or from character to...
In a way I think the developers have driven themselves in a bit of a corner. For example with the discussed HE and WoC. Problem is that with such...
Yeh, DT test only when charging, marching, fleeing or pursuiting through DT. I think you could argue that the tank would need to take a DT test...
Agreed. Out of sight and about the length of the template away. This way you should end up hitting the unit no matter what the distance rolled is....
Back to the topic then... I've tried the saurus also after the Protectors posts but I'm still not convinced as the obvious "flaws" of this unit...
They've now released the alpha version of the rules along with beastmen army book....
Had to re-read the building rules as I didn't remember anything of this. :D But you are partly correct. The rules say that if there is a champion...
I think Lizardmen have been quite constantly at the top tier even though most people might not agree. Atleast outside of this forum. Although I...
As the bases don't matter anymore so you should be then allowed to move the models so that the bases are on top of each other. Nothing prevents...
Hello, Yes it does as it's not "quick to fire". Remember it cannot march and shoot. No, stomp doesn't benefit from any abilities unless...
Hey, great write up! I play the goats myself along with lizardmen so I'll add in a couple of my comments from the experience. Really like the...
I completely agree with your list about the things that should be first on the list. 1) I don't remember who said it or where I read it but the...
It's nice to see that with the introduction to AoS people have keep the aim in improving the 8th edition. However for me this is looking to be...
I did watch both of the trailers and wasn't really impressed by either. I haven't read that much comic books as a teenager so I don't really know...
I'd say the demon list with bloodthirster went home with the trophy. :P
Hello, sorry for the delay on this. Here's the rulespack if someone wants to google translate it...
It's a tournament here in Finland. I can also link you the rulespack if you want but it's in finnish. :) But as mentioned it's mostly "non-comp"....
Hey guys, could you some advice here. There's an upcoming tournament that I'm contemplating on attending to. Not sure still if I like the...