This is just wrong on so many levels but none of it is the players fault. What I mean is that KillerK is completely right on what he's saying...
That should be only 5. Slann 1, only one as no 3x5+ channels. Kroak 1 Tetto 3 -- Even if the big monsters are almost autolose against cannons...
"Leather lanyard with a magnetic clasp for quick and easy deployment"! [img] :D
Ahem.... not sure if anyone else noticed but the prices on those new releases are just absurd. I can almost begin to comprehend the 33Eur for the...
Pretty much what was to be expected. Kroak seems to be quite solid choice for a double slann list. It's actually nice to see the double frog...
One test - keep it simple :) BR Agrem
Hilarious stuff! I think you've hit the nail here. (if this is made by you) :D BR Agrem
I'm still unsure but it certainly doesn't look good. I think I'll test out the game but propably won't enjoy it nowhere near as much as 8th ed....
I do own a bucket load of dark elves, somewhere around 5000 points of beastmen and I used to have a dwarven army. I sold the dwarfs though as they...
Can't really make up my mind yet. Maybe it's the paintjob or just the thought of that the game which I've loved playing so much has come to an end...
Yes, that should be completely legal. BR Agrem
Sorry to split hairs here but couldn't you from this argue that since unit is only allowed to make a single type of movement per phase but when...
I'd say the second question is quite clear - the unit is destroyed as it cannot move. The first however is not clear as you have mentioned. We...
Fireleech bolas should give most bang for the buck for this job. :) BR Agrem
Yes you just ignore those handlers, don't rank them up in middle of the formation. BR Agrem
Question though about the spell swapping. It's been said quite often in the thread that you should have a plan and stick to it how you want to...
Yes as Jonathan said they need to be facing the same direction. You put down the templates separately so they don't really overlap even though the...
I think Pinktaco has summarized the lore quite well. I also think that it is good overall but not as good as the most of the rest available. There...
Thanks all for the comments. I'll try to summarize a response in no particular order. :) Yes the big horde of saurus could be able to take the...
The leadership banner does not work with spirit leech I'm afraid. It's really messed up writing in the GW FAQ but ETC FAQ states that they do not...