Hey, great looking model you got there. The paint job is also very good and I really like that you haven't gone with the usual blue scheme. Keep...
Sorry but I don't fully agree on the first sentence. Here's my reasoning: It states on the pg 36. on BRB that spell is successfully cast when it...
This far I concur. :D Same for me as I rarely run my slann anywhere else but the TG. However my usual deployment is 10 wide for all the additional...
I'm not sure how I would feel if someone would use that tactic against me. I don't think the order is really that clear on which will trigger...
I must have missed that one then.. or probably just forgot. :D BR Agrem
[attach] BR Agrem
This one? http://www.lustria-online.com/threads/building-etc-lists-with-lizards.15682/ BR Agrem
Sounds like you have had really bad luck on your side. Although I have to admit that dwarves are nowhere near the easiest opponent for the...
Hello, looks rather balanced and competitive already so not much to comment on. :) Just couple of things that popped to my mind: I might try to...
Hello, this is really entirely dependant on the line of sight rules you and your opponent are using. According to the rulebook you should use the...
Hello, regarding the list. I think it pretty much summarizes the core what each of this years Lizarmen lists will look like under the current ETC...
Hello, I voted 6th edition. I felt that the army book had the most depth in it and almost every unit in it were playable. I also loved how the...
I'm not sure if I have heard this argument before but it might be one of the best ones out there. Good point, I agree with this. :) I don't...
Hello, I started playing lizardmen in the 6th edition. They weren't my first army actually. I did start the hobby with dark elves but in the...
Hello, great work man. Is there still a chance to get these beauties? I know I'm pretty late to this but no harm in asking though. :) BR Agrem
That's true, good points. :) And yes +1pd/dd/turn might be a bit overcomping also. But then again after Tetto'eko, skirmish spam and mounted...
But then again the build is only not effective when you roll double sixes for winds of magic. Other times it should just give you the extra dice....
I guess the consensus is then to max out competitiveness you're list starts of with slann with channels and double cold one characters which then...
Hello, great read and very in depth analysis on the subject. Love what you have done here. I also think that you have everything spot on here to...
Salamanders and razordons are a bit silly by their rules as you ignore the handlers almost so that the handler models weren't even there. So the...