Ah, sheesh, you're right. I guess it's back to banner of swiftness then. Which is actually better overall I think. I actually value the 1+ asv...
Hello, and thanks for the comments. I have actually checked Raffazza's blog and got most of my ideas about how lizards perform nowadays from...
Hello everyone! Would like to hear some feedback for my updated lizardmen list for ETC Draft #2. I'm planning on attending a tournament at the...
Impact hits are distributed the same as shooting attacks. So, no you cannot target the SC in the unit with impacts. If you are in base to base...
This. I have beastmen as my second (or third) army and I almost always use the said rambull in my lists. It's such a killing machine with huge...
For 1k game this is just overkill. I think you should do well just with one priest with dispel scroll. I might also not bother with the crown of...
I think the biggest problem of razordons is their competition. They cost roughly the same as 10 skinks or one salamander (give or take 20 or so...
You need more skinks. ;) On more serious note then I suggest just trying different things out and finding out that way what works for you best....
Green would give the most contrast for the colour scheme at hand now. However I think brownish yellow or yellowish brown would be quite nice and...
Thanks for reply. That could work for sure. However the problem mainly is the skin. Maybe I wasn't clear enough that as the skin part is so large...
Hello everyone! I'm in a bit of a pickle here. I can't decide what to do with my temple guard colour scheme. My army consists of brown lizards...
Hello, I think I would go with quite the same restrictions as earlier. Just get rid of some unnecessary ones and update few. Something along:...
I have found those swarms to be their weight in gold. I usually add either two or three bases to my lists. The reasoning behind this is their...
Great post! Very good points and I think you pretty much nailed everything and got a good coverage of the subject. Only thing I would like to...
Not necessarily forgotten it but just take that into consideration. Ofcourse those skinks are weak on their own but that is why we have slann with...
Looks like pretty solid list. Only thing that I would take into further consideration is those spears on saurus warriors. I know it's more of a...
This is so situational which makes the EOTG a bit controversial because in general you would want your stegadon in combat. But as you said the...
Yes, he can direct attacks against the priest. You cannot refuse the challenge since the stegadon is counted as a one model so the priest has no...
I've been quite pleased with the performance of 3 krox+24 skinks with full command. This is kind of maxing out the kroxigors for the minimum...
I don't know if you really need that many chameleon skinks. Two units would be quite enough but it's really up to you. I would also change the...