These Pokemon just get stranger and stranger.
I would love to see some dialogue from an experienced Orcs & Goblins general. Yes @PlasmaDavid they are a very fun army to play. Very random.
It's a perfect fit actually.
Water Pods to live in...
You have gone up to Level... What is it now? I think you're about to hit level 12. I don't think anyone's going to provide a contest for you at...
You are above the fight Scalenex, as I laid out earlier on this thread. Except maybe Scolenex, I detect some bad blood there...
Appreciated my friend. She shall live forever.
For me it's: "It's a shame they never made ANY sequels to the Matrix movie."
You are rocketing up the standings meneer!
I think it became a "thing" way after I was of the age to be interested. X-Men seems like a good theme for me. Always loved that universe.
And that was the beginning of the great Asteroid War...
I think due to IRL business increasing by about 1000X I have to be counted out of this one.
Sorry for your loss. Hopefully your dog is making an effort to cheer you up.