Hope everything goes okay for you.
I mean this looks amazing already. You have some really fantastic painting skills. If you don't paint commissions you're missing out on a trick.
Fantastic work. If you don't mind me asking, who is the artist that made this?
Bah. This is rigged.
@Lord Agragax of Lunaxoatl @Tk'ya'pyk [ATTACH]
What, in the Basic Genie Rulebook? How is "I wish you can't count" legitimate then? I demand to see the rule that I violate with the above.. ( ;) )
Hmmm.... Smart. Although my first wish would always have been "I wish that I have unlimited wishes."
Looking gooooood!
Great colors. Keep going!
This looks great! I love the Vulture as well. Nice and dark for the Hortennse. Is he going to be on a Disc?
Go ahead with Tetto as you've already called that one ;) I'll take a look through my other armies for SC that are worthy of consideration for...