Depending on the meta you're playing in, you may find that going 30-strong with the Orc Mobs (including attached characters) is not particularly...
To kick this off, here's kind of what I have planned for a 2000pt Saphery-themed High Elf army. Bear in mind that this is looking more at a local...
Heyo! ChapterAquila92 here! With the release of Warhammer: The Old World, it would probably be worthwhile for there to be a thread dedicated to...
Scalpers be scalping, yo! Jokes aside, while I can't say I'm surprised by GW being short-stocked on new releases anymore, I really wish they'd...
Of course, when the GM accidentally throws a $108M octopus* at the party, it really just becomes a game of "why bother adventuring when I can...
This is very much the reason why I'm holding off on buying anything other than the rulebooks until High Elves get re-released. At best I could run...
Meanwhile, here I am waiting on High Elves to try my hand at an army worthy of Saphery.
That must have been quite the conversion work. Still dislike because it's Primaris, but otherwise really good.
Emphasis on the bolded part. You can't tell me that there's little value in GW using old names for things when a prominent chunk of AoS as a whole...
Honestly, there's been very little in GW's recent release cycle that I've found to be worth buying in the first place. Much of that is due to a...
Why do you think I said "successor"? Insofar as I'm concerned, they're the LOLmians, a pale shadow of what came before.
There's no way that's supposed to be a rightful successor to Lahmian vampires. If not for the promotional material featuring her with Soulblight...
When they see you re-filling the bird feeder. :D
Just them? Why not also Weyland-Yutani and Umbrella? At least Armacham has a PR department that can troubleshoot. :D
The Luna Wolves Recon Company grows. [ATTACH] The newest additions are the 30 or so despoilers (the plastic boys with the resin chainswords and...