Nah, Pith Helmets. [ATTACH]
Vieille Ville-de-Québec, I see.
Yeah... Granted, what EA did with the Battle for Middle-Earth games is kind of held separate from what GW does for MESBG: A big one for me is...
I don't blame you for coming to that conclusion. I for one wasn't happy with how the new Freeguild models turned out for Cities of Sigmar,...
Unless it's a competely different castle, it certainly looks like an AI-generated knock-off of Neuschwanstein Castle. Here's the real thing: [IMG]
There's plenty of reasons for why Lizardmen/Seraphon (especially saurus and kroxigors) don't clad themselves in armour and instead rely on really...
The Crimson Court more or less embodies the main vampire bloodlines from the World-That-Was, with Prince Duvalle being a Blood Dragon, Gorath...
It was mostly a matter of wanting to have both consistent model quality and unit variety, and ProxyWars just happened to come up first in that...
Been latching onto Blood & Plunder lately with a Brandenburg collection (complete with a sloop), but I'm also going to be diving into Blood &...
Two things are working against current "AI" models that lead to this kind of a result: they're eating their own shit as an increasing portion of...
It wouldn't surprise me if it had something to do with how it's "learning" from the training data. Current "AI" models at best have a very...
The Phantom might have a thing or two to say about that. LOL
Would be cool if it was an actual image and not some AI-generated buggery.
Reminds me of Lake Louise.
He looks punchable. Perfect for a journeyman in Bloodbowl.