Nothing quite beats doing the unholy fusion of Steve Irwin and Bad Boys. LOL Not quite to this extreme, but this was similar to the circumstances...
I kind of realized just how much unbuilt Dark Elf stuff I have in my inventory, so I may as well see what I can do with it. The relevant box...
Looking at getting into Blood & Crowns at some point?
"What do you mean 'the War is over'?" [ATTACH]
From Wikipedia:
A&W is just vanilla extract. It's not a true Sarsparilla.
When I got into 40k back in 2002, I pretty much jumped into playing Space Marines and Imperial Guard, the former because it was my first army and...
Truly, an elegant weapon from a more civilized era. :p
Longest Yard and Big Daddy. Not a fan of most other Adam Sandler movies.
Probably £50 per cookie-cutter hill. Alternatively, $20 for more custom rigid foam hills than you have table space for.
They'd blend right in to a pack of older stormvermin relatively well.
Give it a hot minute after release and I guarantee someone will upload scans for the rest of the Internet.
Recently brought this to a game: Seraphon - Sunclaw Starhost General's Regiment - Saurus Oldblood on Foot (Reptilian Cunning, Incandescent...