Hey now, the Sun King was the height of manliness of his time! :p
Gonna be one killer scene from Saving Private Ryan right there. [MEDIA]
Nah, I'm fairly certain it had more to do with the movie being one of those "it's so bad that it's good" cases where the cast and crew knew it was...
I think I've seen this somewhere... [ATTACH]
I mean, we also somehow got a Robin Hood movie that went so far into absurdity as to make the crusades look like a fantasy version of Operation...
I am honoured!
Apparently she did not anticipate Odysseus or Richard Sharpe then. LOL
I'd definitely be down to grab this one. Got enough raven themes going on in my celtic-sylvan Living City army, and am in need of an appropriate...
At this point most of my teams consist of Punga minis: Skaven (really just a pirate-themed replacement for my current Skaven team); Underworld...
Yeah, Punga Miniatures has quite the incredible range for third-party Blood Bowl minis. I'm going to be aiming to get at least two such teams...
Just an update to my previous list, having learned a few things since posting and with the help of a rather timely update in the builder involving...