If it's part of your army roster though, doesn't it technically count as part of your army though and is therefore friendly to you but hostile to...
Believe the engine only works for "friendly" Seraphon wizards or priests, so your Seraphon opponent won't be able to use your engine, just their...
At first glance, I thought he had used soda/beer cans to make the cylindrical units. Read the article and found out he actually used the sector...
I'm glad they changed the backer #s for the stretch goals. Not gonna lie, they seemed pretty ambitious at first. Honestly, I still think the new...
Ah, sweet! Might do just that! Thx!
Question for you guys who've used TTS (@LordBaconBane @ILKAIN @Davema @DeathBringer125 and anyone else) : were you able to find good...
I honestly think solo-play content is something that should seriously be explored by GW. There is so much lore and character in the game that it...
I saw this and thought, "Man! That's a ton of sallies!!" then I remembered the skink handlers are included in this as well lol
Ohhh man. You my friend are going to become quite popular on this forum, hahaha!! That's awesome though! I think I'll jump in on the Patreon for a...
These are great! Love the blue "embalming cloth" on your Kroak (best term I can think of lol). Definitely makes him stand out!! The old...
Ooh-la-la, looks like the horned one helms/heads fit this sculpt well enough. Are those going to be your proxy razordons? Awesome job!! I really...
Do you know if you get access to previous month's releases as well? Or do they have a digital store by chance like Artisan's Guild (the AMAZONS!...
Man, I wish they included more miniature files with more attainable backer goals. I feel they're a bit too high at the moment. Then again, they do...
Magnetizing the flyers is possible, but seems to be a lot of work. Here's the link to the how-to in the tutorials section of the painting &...
I'm hoping his inclusion in TWW2 will boost the chances of this happening if not in AoS, then at least the Old World.
I love the eerie contrast created by the solid, dark eyes!! Definitely makes them feel more other-worldly. Fantastic job with everything mate!
Sweet! This conversion is first on my list and I haven't found examples/pics that I've liked...until now!! This looks incredible! Question: did...
Oh man...Nakai mounted on a dread saurian?! I'd drop some serious cash on that!
Speaking of which, do you think that ALL our dinos will become susceptible to primal instincts like they do in TWW2?! As long as it's attacking...
I find it very amusing how the look of the creature has evolved from the low-to-ground, big-bellied cows to a sleeker, deadlier velociraptor-like...