I would love for one of you who has 80+ skinks to run a melee-skink lists. mainly for shiggles, but to see if it can do something lol
next sat when the books is actually released most of the full picture. still got some subfactions/items/traits to reveal. won't get those till...
oh! sallies are up there too!!
Terradons are the new best unit. Also, AUS has warscrolls available
@Joshua Horchler You figured it out, eh? haha!
The Skink Priest ability only works on SKINK units.
Haha! My thoughts exactly!
Gonna bomb the f*** outta everything now! Hm, might convert some terradon riders with bomber jackets & goggles now....haha!!
-2 Rend on the sallies w/ unmod'd 6 dealing 1d3 damage, on top of 4A @ +3/+3. Oh mannnnn!!! So glad I saved a few on ebay a few years back. range...
Oh man, I just bought 6 sprues of terradon/ripperdactyls and I was thinking of going ripper....now I don't know what I'm going to do, hahaha! I...
Yup! That's right: Terradon ability: Lethal Cargo: Once per battle, after this unit has finished it's movement, you can choose 1 enemy unit and...
No rend though. Not even on the charge...was there a subfaction rule previewed that granted rend? Or am I just remembering the saurus clubs?
Hm, so I can't tell if the Blot Toad will be a "per ripperdactyl unit" ability which can be used once per combat phase, or if it's going to be a...
I like your style good sir!!
I'm with you on this 100%. It's just upsetting when the only named character we have gets reduced to just a glorified version of our best, unnamed...
The thing is, it feels Kroak shouldn't need the constellation buff. I suppose it'd get OP if he had an innate +3 and then the constellation buff,...
Oh man, I just checked back to see this for myself and it is pretty much the same across Kroak's entire warscroll! He's got all the abilities of a...
Kroxigor - Sweep: Attack characteristic of Lunar Mace is equal to the number of models within 2" of the attacking model. - Jaw: On an unmodified...
Saurus Guard - banner deals -1 Bravery to enemies within 6" - drummer lets you reroll charge rolls - "Selfless" Protectors: Roll a dice whenever...
MSU of 4 models is actually 6 wounds: 1/skink + 3 /razordon. The wording translates to "1 of every 4 models in the unit must be a razordon...A...