Yeah, it looks like GW went with the old "bigger is better" take when designing new sculpts after our last update (which was, what 2006 or '07?...
Underworlds is popular enough to get its own video game too. I believe it's currently in early access on Steam. The VG models don't look as...
@Moulinglacia thanks for the quick comparison write-up! Glad to hear we're not straight bottom tier and have some good versatility (least that's...
Somewhat off-topic, but what's everyone's thoughts on if we were to be included in the next Warhammer Underworlds campaign? IMO BeastGrave would...
Please tell me you either bought an extra head or made a recast of one in order to make this?! lol (PS: I'm very interested in the warscroll if...
To anyone with some of the other WC cards for non-cultist warbands, how do these compare? From what I've read here so far on here, our stats are...
Is it me, or does just 6" move for a mounted model in WC seem pretty low? Not familiar with any of the other mounted/non-flyer units, but this...
Pretty sure this has been mentioned before somewhere, but this is actually Ironjaws artwork from their recent battletome. We just happen to be...
IIRC, the core book contains pages with all the cards that come in the battleplan cards pack, and maybe even the layout cards for the terrain that...
Much like the Monsters & Mercenaries did for the warbands available at the time of its release, I believe there may be a follow-up supplement that...
Well, there's already been a few units in other armies that have gotten a Predatory Fighters-like/lite rule with unmodified 6's causing 2 hits...
Speaking of TOW & AoS coexisting, the running (and I think stated) conjecture is that minis from AoS will be able to be be used for the...
So, today's preview of the WC warbands had our old models on the little diagram...but there were no actual cards shown...what could this mean?!?! :p
Just realized, SCE Castigators may finally have a WC, haha! All depends on their stats of course. I only have sacrosanct chamber units so...
Haha!! Nice spin there sir! lol
I'm no expert either, but from what I've seen the rules/stats in WC don't really correlate well with AoS stats. At least this can be said of the...
Just remembered another reason to look forward to the BT: the potential for new art & photos of Seraphon amidst Mesoamerican-like terrain!! I'm...
as long as we keep the Mesoamerican influences strong in future designs, I'm all for it. I love dinos riding dinos, but what I like best is the MA...
Agreed. I'm pre-ordering the book & cards (and dice if there's any) and planning to check the rules on the terrain first before deciding if I want...
Check here for additional details on the summoning (and other stuff) Keep in mind,...