As @Jason839 said, with Dok and Lumineth coming out in full force, it will definitely change the dynamic of the game. I wont lie, the DoK builds...
Very short game, but it looks like there was much jockeying to be had. Well done though, if it hadn't been for the shooting of the Flamers, you...
Thats a toughy, but with enough spell slinging, you can burn through their characters. And if they use their Command Points to make the save a +2...
They were already powerful to play last I saw. Then again, the last time I played them they were rerolling both 5+ FNPs they had and stringing...
That -3 to hit a hero from shooting in that specific temple will be frustrating... if it comes up. The rest sounds like we will definitely be...
I believe you can only cast each spell once a turn. Endless or not. May just be matched play games though. If your opponent is the one moving...
I actually like the change to Locus too, it's much more interesting and can be countered through good positioning.
Salamanders first target methinks. If he has two, it can definitely hurt. But you need to guarantee a kill in one round or the Cursed Steele is...
I believe it would have fit AoS better than 40k, but what does a fan know compared to the corporate giants of WotC and GW? Also, I have all the...
Anyone else remember when they were originally talking about our Book and specifically mentioned that you could throw an Endless Spell through a...
Fair enough. That would be interesting. If Marauder horsemen dr getting update, perhaps we will see the foot Marauder updated alongside the rest...
Yeah, but to be perfectly fair, those are likely a warped sort of horse. Plus, the Cities and Warriors might not just be riding horses, but...
Yeah, it was a big selling point for the Lumineth to have horses, as they were not one of the variety of monstrous mounts available. I believe...
Dread should have -4 on it's jaws. Claws should be -3, tail should stay as normal but do D3 attacks. .... just my opinion after watching it bounce...
I do plan on doing battle reports for it when the time comes. They'll be posted much the same as the others. That is of course after i am done...
I second Dark Elves. Shadowey nightmare steed riding Dark Elves.
Aye, I agree with this. Two games with the new book and I've already had a lot of swingy dice. We are at their mercy, and only able to really...
That is a precedent now. Where else might that be applicable? The Oldblood for Sunclaw perhaps?
Agree on the spell change @Jason839 proposed. If you don't need it, you can always change it, but it's better to have in the pocket than Mystical...
Waiting in the wings. Saurian can't get painted until she's properly kitted out. Skinks will be painted among their soon to be assembled brothers....