That would explain why they came out with snake ladies in DoK... get that sweet Seraphon player base interested early. But we'll likely see some...
Pretty hyped for the Glow up of the Wight King, and the blurry models behind him hint at more undead on the way. Coupled with the releases from CC...
2/19/21 Added Battle Report titled "Blooded Soaked Grounds" to the Misc. Section. And it's up, added to the list of links. I also noticed that...
Hello fellows, I've got a fun one today. Since the high of riding down a CoS army, shown here, I felt myself familiarized with the rules once...
Man, they really did that mini justice with the subtle osl on the raven's belly and the eye glow from the animals. It looks pretty good.
For large monsters, I count how many taken, until it's 6 or less, then I just use one die to show remaining.
Will be posting a battle report this week, I keep putting it off. This time, I ended up recalculating some of my collection, and noted I have had...
Welp, nearly a year between posting and conversion. But it is done.
Thinking on it, perhaps it's part of the new Gravelords terrain price? A Gallows/Spoopy tree would fit the Soulblight aesthetic, especially if...
That's great to hear. Personally had a friendly game at a mates house into OBR and just couldn't lock down the Catapults or remove the hordes of...
I don't think it's anything to worry about, and glad to see that your contributions are part of the data. On that note, did your opponents ever...
Fair enough, but more data and larger consistent events is will be a boon to collecting it. With the two new books (though Slaanesh being nerfed a...
Not disagreeing with Owen, and the points are valid. Also, wasn't aware they werent running the Hammer times. Could have sworn they were. I don't...
I don't believe it will be drastically different, but we will have a better set of data and overall a more even spread of player representation....
[MEDIA] Furthering discussion with this video. It is a stats overview of a few TTS AoS tournaments, namely those run by the Honest Wargamer crew...
I didn't mean healing the wound after it was taken. That definitely shouldn't cause an issues seeing as that probably happens before all the...
There is also the Burning Shore, by Richard Knaak if I recall the author correctly. It was the earliest, possibly the first novel we featured in.
I think it's from Cursed City, as the bird looks dead. And one of the guys on the website had a cat, bat, and bird around him in his living form....
The wording posted does say that if the wound was not negated it counts. It doesn't talk about regenerating wounds for multiwound models. But what...
Depravity happening at the end of the Battleshock phase also means that if you smash enough of the unit, they may just flat out run, leaving no...