@LordBaconBane in splitting the Skink scroll, that could leave room to make Red Crested skinks a thing again, making them more melee centric. I...
Board size change did make the game more cagey and did give melee a second wind. How it would turn out in AoS is up for grabs depending on if...
@LordBaconBane thanks for your input. You make a lot of good points, especially about the timing of some of the data. People might have recalled...
As far as we know, only those three are dead, and to be frank, they went out in blazes of glory. Mazdamundi literally bringing the moon down on...
Yeah, knocking on the doors to Azyr possibly.
That is a lot of points for so few wounds and speed. Makes the Carnosaur looks good base. Glutos on the other hand, is interesting. All those...
Are there any other abilities that prevent damage from being negated? I think it's a pretty neat ability for Sigvald's sword.
Vince is a very popular Painter, and I believe a competitively minded player. I know he's been doing the Warhammer Weekly vids for quite a long...
Added a few shots he sent me of his first push forward on the table. You can see the knights and chariots very well, as well as his Lord on Dragon.
So when are we getting that Dread Saurian talk that @LizardWizard mistook the Carnosaur talk for?
@Putzfrau you make a lot of good points, and me not having been too active in a long while, I didnt have the full picture. So, furthering the...
Yet we do not excel at all of those things as others do. Do you believe that our tools are as oppressive as they're represented?
Hey all, I wanted to post a video to prompt a bit of Discussion. Mostly because I don't know if any of you may have participated in the survey,...
I think I've seen that Krox hero on etsy. Was wondering where it came from. It's yours you say?
Exceptionally well done. Sauras Stone-tossers when Gw?
Roughly made spear (possibly barbed from the looks of the end), ogre head, though clean-shaven, and an elf head, without hair as well. Could be an...
A good showing. Laughed aloud at one of them. But all were well done and I enjoyed the different ideas presented.
Good to see the podcast is still going. I have a backlog to watch.
He sent me a few more shots of his deployment, so you'll be able to see it even better. It truly is a beautiful army. He's quite a dept at...
Hold Fast spawn brethren. One day we will get dice as nice as the BB lizardmen dice.