I was under the impression that it was 10 models. My apologies. edit- Why you might ask? Because 10 is the minimum for most basic battleline, and...
10-15 guard gives heros nearby -1 to hit in shooting according to the basic rules. 10 is the bare minimum for it, but the buff is removed easily...
I asked this in my FAQ emails, and GW has yet to answer this. Its not readily apparent. In C-TL, it's a very powerful ability to use multiple...
Also of note, they are selling commercial licenses to companies that want to sell their minis printed....
Reorganize and set up my hobby area. That is my goal for this month.
What a beautiful scheme. Well done.
Two activations in the FIGHT phase per single activation allotted. That's pretty strong, but not too strong. I hope they're not broken like some...
That is what I am getting at. Yes.
What do you mean? It specifically echoes page 11, which states that the Battleplan defines the deployment of armies. Look at the Example...
Its odd they didn't touch on that. It's unclear enough to be worth the FAQ..... I hope you guys get more invites to more talkshows like @Erta...
Comfortably in place now. I'll begin writing soon. I hope. So much new lore to digest still.
Page 2 of the Core rules dictates how armies are Setup. It specifically calls out Battleplans handling the setup specifics. These are more...
Engine is deployed before sides are decided, and can be placed per the RSE rules. Where it's placed will just dictate how quickly it can be...
Will do, I'll dig around for it and send the list.
Question that I would like to see for discussion. I know it's not competitive, but how much fun would you have running 2xStarseers, 3x 10...
Aw. Figured as much. Advice still stands though. If you're ever even slightly inclined. Happy Sike Day.
Look at the OBR phallic bone pile. It will likely be placed in a similar manner by tournament organizers ruling.
What do you mean? The rules were provided were straight from the App in my case. Dear lord. That would mean the death of any monster meta or...
Page 7 of the core rules, in the "Making an Attack" box. Refer to the text of the first step for attacking and the step for making a save....
The Rule of One is all encompassing. When you roll a die, you check the rule. Then you apply modifiers. This also works for rules that trigger on...