As Drakk was walking by the pet shop, he saw Tarkaz and Izema standing inside talking to the merchant. Walking in with Drew, Drakk waited for...
Drakk and Drew set out throughout Silgis trying to find Tarkaz and Izema, they ask around about a Minotaur and a Shark man, luckily since they...
After they had put up the signs, Drakk starts explaining to Drew "Well that's exactly what I have been trying to figure out, I may rope in Tarkaz...
Are there mods that make the first TWW like the second mechanics wise? Since i don't like Mortal Empires, too different.
Drakk couldn't help but to chuckle at "Punishment Four", yet he almost felt bad for Ohmen, he doubted Ohmen would take public humiliation well....
Technically we don't have a democracy, the Romans did. We have a Republic. Rome functioned off popular vote, we function off of a mix between...
Drakk walks up to Izema hesitantly, staff at the ready just in case and tries to pull on his arm a bit to get his attention. "Izema? You ok? I...
Drakk pauses for a moment, he really had wanted to acquire a crystal to see what it did. He was a bit shocked Drew was being this friendly, Drew...
Nodding to the Jailer again, Drakk and Drew leave the jail before searching out a place for Drakk to research the crystals he had discovered.
Xlauax froze for a moment before rushing to follow Oamotl. Perhaps he would regret this, but in the meantime, the thrill of scouting possessed...
Nodding to the Jailer, Drakk looks to Ohmen to say "Uhhhh see you tomorrow at court Ohmen.". Turning back to the Jailer, Drakk whispers "What do...
Drakk froze for a moment, he certainly has not expected Ohmen to admit he had done wrong. In the past, Ohmen had usually just stayed quiet when...
Drakk laughs a but confused. The guard notices his confusion and chuckles before leading Drakk to Ohmen's cell. Drakk peers through the bars...
Drakk nudges Drew to take a look before approaching the guards. Seeing the Kobold look at him in recognition, Drakk motions for Drew to follow...
Drakk walks up to Drew before saying "Wow Drew, you got a really good price on those weapons! Normally it could cost one a half times that to get...
Drakk is grateful for the three gold pieces, not much, but he had fun doing it so he didn't lose anything. Drakk hurried back to Drew to tell him...
Yes lol I am aware that wasps are not bees, though I also hate bees. But yeah seriously if we have Murder Hornets in MD I'm buying a freaking...
Drakk and Drew travelled throughout the market place gazing at the various items. Drew spent some time primarily in the blacksmith browsing the...
Drakk stares out at the market, stares back at Drew, and then looks at his empty coin purse. Drakk saw this as an absolute win! Looking at Drew,...
Drakk confusedly turned around, almost dropping his books in the process. When he noticed Drew he motioned for them to walk over to a less busy...