Xlauax froze for a few moments, he hesitated to answer. He looked to his Pain and Justice and thought for a few more seconds before stepping...
cool, just don't bring any of your pet Carnosaurs near me lol
Drakk woke up late that morning, after getting dressed he went downstairs in the Inn and got some lunch. The Innkeeper said "Weallan êow must sîe...
What's sad is that that meme is kinda true. Japanese giant hornets were found in Washington state, also known as Murder Hornets. Multiple stings...
You posting at midnight? Or waiting for tomorrow morning?
Drakk takes the coins and sets out eagerly into the city. His people truly were more advanced then he had realized and the sight of the looming...
I'm a full American and think this is hilarious lol.
You are missing a big one. Eh. From my trip to Canada I learned about that lol (as well as milk in a bag)
Drakk thanks Sandy for her help and heads back up to the deck. He walks to his room to grab his bag and Staff. With his staff in his hand, and...
Lol just read it today an actually believed it since it's been a while since April fool's day. I was quite shocked lol. You got me to.
Drakk turns to the captain acknowledging her advice. After this, Drakk races down to Sandy and says "The inspector seemed to consider my request!...
Approaching the inspector, Drakk says "Greetings inspector, its a pleasure to meet you. I apologise for my lack of knowledge on this matter, I...
Drakk thanked Sandy for the information and apologized for bugging her while she worked. Walking up to the top deck Drakk resolved to meet...
Xlauax drew his Pain and started to sharpen it, this would be a long journey..... In the meantime, Xlauax tried to patrol around and practice...
During Drakk's the studying Silgis, he learned many interesting things despite it being a simple Travelogue. He learned of Silgisarr the dragon...
Taking a bite, a strange expression came over Drakk's face. He had been on his way to his quarters, when he stopped. Looking back to the...
Drakk looks to the Halfling handing out food and says "Unfortunately I'm a bit busy at the moment, I have alot of studying to do and frankly...
Xlauax felt uncomfortable by the large parade that had now formed. Suddenly he felt extremely smothered by all the members of the camp, and...
Drakk was interrupted in his studying, he could have sworn he heard a faint scream. Walking outside of his quarters, he saw Izema bobbing around...
Drakk takes the book gratefully and says "Thank you so much for all your help Sandy! I look forward to reading through this!". With that final...