I'd give it a 5:1 odds it's a terrain piece. 4:1 it's an astrolith and I'm gonna make my bold prediction that it's an entirely new skink piece...
I hope LRL players understand where my comet is going every time when I see that fucking abomination in a game vs me
Oh yay...more love for the fucking elves. Even though arcane bolt is meh and mystic shield is decent
Holy fuck we dropped down to 3rd?!?!? I know it's been like 8 months since I last even glanced but daymn
Which makes little sense. There are more lizardman players %wise than other factions. People love dinosaurs. But naa let's throw another fucking...
Ima be real though. If it's just the astrolith Bearer. That's pathetic. Like cmon give me my new kroxigors damnit
Looks dope so far I'm excited for it
Curse their "Watertight rules."
I was thinking in perspective that each one counts as more than one so per say a twist of the words they need more to die in order to equal 15 eh?
Question how does the veterans thing fgo with the saurus warriors ability for getting more attacks for more units. Like would you have to kill...
now that first one would be so god damn powerful in aos 3.0
Question since I started in aos. What did scaly skin do in whfb? Or did it not exist?
Again. Passed off as mortal wounds. Scaly skin never should of allowed a guard to lower the wounds anyways. again What's the problem? Slann not...
They never took reduced damage to begin with the bodyguard ability passes wounds off as mortal wounds. Scaly skin got faqd for mortal wounds 1...
Remember the average kroxigor is about 12-14 feet tall. Why ghe hell can't knights take it? Not a big deal to me but curious mind
I know. And I also know that the removal of scaly skin for anything but saurus monster and krox is for the best and is the best possible outcome...
Tbf making only work for saurus kroxigor and monsters is a pretty heavy nerf. Slann are squishing now and Skink heroes are now paper thin
Well that change to scaly skin hardly affected the way I play
Still pretty sure scaly skin is here to stay....
I do not remember suggesting it. But I do think it would make taking the dread more viable