Hear me out. 600 points for 60
Facts yo. Facts
To add on this. My model is not a god. Nor is it worth the 540 points
This is the kind of clarification my ass needs
Chomping endless spells seems really nice not gonna lie
Skarbrands battallion isn't even the most competitive battallion in narrative. that's where ya lost me. In tournaments it doesn't do the greatest...
I got a question. Why is it daft to have the bloodthirster battallion? Isn't that like skarbrands battallion? They are gimmicky I get that...
My boy Kutlakh the world killer would of mopped the floor with the swarmlord
Hey let's not invalidate people over subjective opinions. It's not like there isn't a mountain of evidence of the nids being jobbed out to plot...
I honestly am annoyed they brought back squats. It was the last thing I enjoyed the most about the nids historical canon lorewise. (The best nid...
Oh great.
I am going to ravage the world with the incarnate and not having to use command points for aoa
Throw like 9 kroxigors at em
Did anyone ask why they targeted pink horrors with that extra victory point thing for tzeench instead of say. Oh idk. A lord of change? In fact I...
Awww damn. I got a bt of insensate rage and I haven't played with a khorne army in forever
Any changes to bloodthirsters?
Minus the Dimachaeron. Most titans. Almost all their contempter dreadnoughts.
Yeah at the end of last edition you could buff the big lug up to basically be kind of a voltron esk monster it could duel, it could hold...
It's usage was to give you +1 to hit without having to burn a spell. So you have to invest less into it. Taking away Totem gimped it to the point...