It's really hard for me to justify taking flaming weapon over AoDs durability increase which if put on a gargant it is absurd
I blow him up with mws and javelins then I crush em with either my carno or myself if I got nothing else to aim for
I say a slann should be the next one since magic superiority is kind of a big deal to us
You use the carno as a cheap gamble piece to more or less do a huge spike of damage
I personally like to use amulet of destiny for carnos because well other than eviscerating blade thats what works best for them if you want an...
If you are thinking of running gotrek think. "How can I get him into the enemy fastest?" What are your options?
I'd say once you get the 2nd start collecting skinks box that's when you put em together and paint the lads. Don't let em back up like I did
So here's the thing bastis are our best Behemoth plain and simple. Get another start collecting Skink box. And get a slann. Your next focus after...
Do you want more skinks or more dinos?
Whoops mistyped I meant split the 2 20s into 4 10s