Are these just guesses or are you guys basing these ideas on some info I haven't seen?
Still no news... I'm honestly so close to just going and buying a start collecting box or something lol
So if I cut a unit of 40, 3 stormfiends or weapon teams? maybe an engineer to buff with.
You know what's definitely being nerfed? The fucking shadowstrike 3 inch deployment on Ripperdactyls Also GOD can battletome leaks just come out...
Yeah the lack of damage is defs a problem... but objective capping will b fun :) Also, I just love the idea of covering the board with rats.
Need opinions on a 1k list Screaming Bell (240pts) 3x40 Clanrats (200 pts each) and another 160 pts to play around with :)
Let us know how it goes!
I should probably hold off buying anything Seraphon until the new battletome is out so we know what units are good/bad right? Don't wana buy 300...
If they announce new models I'm preordering on the spot. God I want it so baddddd
Wait, so you guys think it'll be released in Feb? But Kharadrins and CoZ aren't out till April? Wont Seraphon be later than that? Also what's the...
Ah, i figured there'd be a thread but i couldnt find it before
Lads and lasses... It's finally happening.
Aight new question: For a 2k list, would a pure pestilens list work better, or taking clanrats as battleline tax to allow for a warpseer and maybe...
OOH I GET YOU I forgot I said that lololll
Also, the changes to weapons. So they don't get +1 attack PER WEAPON anymore, cuz they aren't listed as separate anymore? If so, are woe staves...
They both have 4+ save and 5+ ward (or whatever its called now) and bell is 40 pts more :o
Why not 2 plague furnaces and a grey seer seperately?
Doesn't the furnace also give battleshock immunity?
Okay, so they still have the extra damage on unmod 6, but they lose rend from the musician? :( Given the nerf are plaguemonks still worth taking?...
Would a screaming bell or a second plague furnace be better? Also, this is more of a rules question so maybe i should post there, but I'm getting...