Who needs to kill them when i can just cap objectives while my clanrats die :^)
How well do you reckon it'd work? Using a similar principle as some Seraphon lists that drop 200+ skinks, i feel it could have some success. The...
What if my list was just clanrats
How do you find Stormvermin perform in 20s? I'm just playing with the idea of how viable a Verminus army would be (with a grey seer or 3 thrown...
Yeah i love the models, and by no means is their stat line bad, just they're very expensive, and you kind of need a big unit so they're just hard...
Yeah if it wasnt for the Stormvermin tax I'd be auto including it... but alas, stormvermin... Even at 2x20 clanrats, and 20 stormvermin thats 760...
What's people's opinion on Clawlords? His command ability seems pretty good, and combined with Skavenbrew, that's a lot of attacks
Also, does anyone know how legit Pestilens lists are these days?
What a nice forum <3
Well I was playing the SECOND one right at least? :P ty guys
So, Q1: Does shooting cause battleshock? If so, how does it work/when does it happen? Q2: When assigning casualties to a unit, say a unit of 20...
Of course, yes-yes. You speak-squeek sense.
Oh, I'm in Australia. That's y its so much
There will definitely be doomwheels at some point :
where are u at? :o
Wait, you can order single bits from the GW site? Or do you mean if you just bought the actual box
There's something strange about this one... I smell... a rat...
Grey Seer it is then! THanks guys! I'll tell my FRIEND
Yeah I want at least 1 engineer for the jezzails and lightning cannon, and I don't have enough points after that for a screaming bell. But there...
If it's the first list, id be taking a Warlock engineer (normal, 100pts) AND either a grey seer or arch warlock.