They are just decorative bits. They are to be used at your discretion.
Not understanding your questions about pose. However, you CAN use LoSaT prior to using Appear at Command. They both occur at the end of the...
Assumed you were asking about DT ability since it is a DT thread. LoSaT has no restrictions other than outside of 9" from enemy units.
The only restrictions are being more than 9" from enemy units and wholly within 18" of a Slann. Otherwise you can set up from the heavens anywhere...
Welcome to Lustria. Like @NecridHydra mentioned, new Kroak will be 430.
Agreed. The book has a lot of viability. I normally feel as though the Slann has enough to do, CCP, Comet's Call, and either Arcane Bolt or...
I always liked dual Slann more than Kroak + Oracle.
I mean, new Kroak is already enough of a nerf imho. I wouldnt want to see him get even more killable.
I like the Starseer for procing AV. You want it upfield anyways to give out the staff bonus.
It essentially works like Spell Portals. You can cast through the Vassal because they are treated at the caster for measure the range when used.
It went much much quicker than I though it would. The model took about 9.5hrs.
Did a Mangler Squigg as a commission. [IMG]
Yes. You justhave to follow all the rules of deployment as normal. You can place a battalion all, partially, or not all into reserve based on the...
Looks great, I love the squad color markers on their brows.
This looks like a great start. As you expand I recommend adding in magic with some Skinks and or Slann.
I still like Razordons. They do alright with a Starpriest to back them up, but Salamanders are undeniably better. I kind of expect the GHB to move...
Welcome to Lustria! I would deffinetly drop the Eternity Warden. While I like the model, its rules are pretty much useless. An Oldblood,...
Agreed @Fhanados. Keep being awesome @everymemeberoflustria!