Don't even know what those words mean so prob not. :p I'd be keen to learn any tips or tricks for the future. I'm trying to print Ariel now and...
Nakai the Wanderer Today I am excited to present to you the world’s-first “official” model of Nakai the Wanderer. I say official because this...
Trollslayer Orange on fins and body is just a contrast paint: Iyanden Yellow.
That's wrong. The Beastmen are fully playable if you only by the Silence and the Fury DLC. But you can't play as Khazrak, Malagor or Morghur, nor...
Yes u can. My humble request hook us up with Nakai the Wanderer plzzz. I mean uhh Ancient Reptilian Defender ;)
He's so glorious... still waiting for mine to arrive in the mail. :woot: I really hope either Games Workshop or Duncan does a painting video...
If you read the description on Steam it seems like Oxyotl's ability is just a reskinned Wood Elves World Roots ability. Still hyped though. :P I'd...
Here they are painted and a size comparison of the Games Workshop Salamanders. [IMG] You vs The Guy She Tells You Not To Worry About [IMG]
Chakax's head on Gor-Rok's body? Awesome.
Woah, where are these badboys from?
Razordon Hunting Pack Not my greatest paintjob but then again not Games Workshop's greatest model. :P [IMG] Barbed Razordons are covered with a...
Salamander Hunting Pack [IMG] Salamanders are giant, predatory creatures that stalk the swamplands and estuaries of Lustria's jungles. Propelled...
Razordon Hunting Pack [IMG] Barbed Razordons are covered with a profusion of great spines – hardened spikes made of bone that project menacingly...
Can mods please make a Starblood Stalkers thread on Itza Gallery?
[IMG] Did anyone have this? I had two decks, and a random separate card Kixi-Taka in English. Then I search through the deck and I find another...
[MEDIA] Painting guide for the warband here.
Hmm, aren't these supposed to be available for preorder today? I can't see them anywhere on the GW website!
Speaking of Total War they just announced Rakarth and it looks like he's controlling some dinos. SACRILEGE! [IMG]