Not impressed not gonna lie. For starters the top part of the pyramid literally gives me kitbash vibes. Seconders I thought we were gonna get... I prefer this mod myself. You start the game with all legendary lords so you...
yeah I've thrashed him a couple of times. Told him to get back in the gym and come back when he's good enough to face me.
That Cavill dude should start up a Twitch channel or something. Actors are always all about getting that money on the side like conventions,...
Big update today for the Shadow and the Blade DLC. Lots of exciting new features. Previously the mod only had one capability: triggering a lore...
None of my turns go past 200. I think the only turn that went past 200 was Vampire Coast Vortex. And that's because I went for domination victory...
Wow have you guys seen Snikch's late-game ability? OP af. Plunge Into Anarchy Snikch removes a faction's leader, causing them to be overthrown by...
Actually multiple articles should be saying similar things. The info was from the press release which they all get access to and derive their...
FLC lord will be a Bretonnian: Repanse de Lyonesse Who is accompanied by a hero kind of like Gotrek and Felix style: Henri le Massif Playable in...
Malus Darkblade vs Deathmaster Sknitch FLC unknown
They'll prob just do what they used to do, have it set to 10 minutes to midnight in perpetuity.
I really hate the AoS lore how Skink and Saurus and even the dinos are just "remembered" by the Slann, and they're like made up of stardust or...
It's heavily insinuated that Kroq-Gar survived because of the following passages in the End Times Thanquol book: So I think we can safely...
Yeah, last we heard of Lord Kroak: But when he was first destroyed at Itza he didn't actually need his body: Maybe his spirit just found...
Surely they will have to change the rules to allow both square and round bases because we now have models that are on round bases that used to...
Oh my gaawd it's happening! As someone who only got into this hobby because of Total War Warhammer consider me on the HYPE train!
yeah I wanna buy the fire breathing Salamander just waiting for it to be in stock :( Found artwork for a lot of the ships in the game but alas I...
Du kannst es schaffen!
Armies on Parade today. I present to you Rumble in the Jungle. Wood Elves defend the Oak of Ages from the Lizardmen, who have deemed Ariel's chaos...