Omg ur display pic LOL
Next paid DLC will almost definitely be Eltharion vs Grom the Paunch, with Greenskins being added to the Vortex campaign. Ulthuan will be...
I just got the mod working on vortex campaign as well as mortal empires now. Here is the storyline for that Bretonnian from the game if you are interested.
Haha sup guys. I should have posted this thread myself. Yes, very welcoming of contributions! I'm working on Gor-Rok and Nakai at the moment.
Nice detective work dude. This must be what they based the character off. Interesting that his model looks nothing like his in-game counterpart.
Yeah it was a big swing because we were stuck with the base two for the longest time but then two DLCs in a row and now we have the most LLs of...
[IMG] Here is the reference. His starting point in Mortal Empires is also in Albion. Here is the Shadows Over Albion pdf.
Hey Warden, you seem to know you're stuff about Bretonnia. Would you know which model I can collect that best represents this character? [IMG]...
Can anyone help me I am looking for the source of this claim "Nakai went to Albion". I have been trying to find the source for this claim, looked...
Gotrek & Felix! [IMG]
The Old Ones are smiling with pride this day.
With gotrek and felix arriving in october id expect thanquol to be up next if what you say is true. As for DE... I'm scratching my head. Malus...
Everyone is saying it will be Grim The Paunch (Greenskin are last vanilla faction to receive an overhaul) versus Ellarion (blind high elf guy)....
Honestly would it kill GW to make some of these generic non-trademarkable races again. Sure other people will copy you but you always can just...
Aahaha two more figs to collect
[IMG] Gor-Rok!
Time is the biggest enemy of this hobby, isn't it? Specifically painting which I've always felt is the most time consuming part. Even contrast...
Poison Wind Mortar perhaps? It didn't get rules in the latest Skaven battletome!
Jaysus that diorama is incredible! And the models are so well painted as well. Makes me wish for a diorama thread in Itza so we can see all.these...