Amazing. I would say the Bastiladon is the only thing that looks like it needs more than just contrast (the green scales and bronze machinery) -...
The mods have forsaken you!
I'd like to know this as well
Hrrrm well I don't like it!
[IMG] [IMG] Here you see the problem. Toyed with using a second button thing but it is actually quite smaller on th back than the front so there...
I can't even find any pictures online of the back of the drum.
Has anyone actually received these models yet and can review their quality and do size comparisons? Would be much appreciated.
Assembling some Temple Guard at the moment. Does anything attach to the back end of the drum? Instructions left that part out and I can't see...
Such speed!
[IMG] I used stirland mud texture paint to blend the square base out of sight. I also trimmed off the corners with clippers. EDIT: Correction I...
Crowsfoot how much for the firebreathing one hook a brother up lol
It is a shame GW does not sell a dead bodies kit the way they sell skull and creeping vines kits. Or even any company really. There is demand but...
Lol, I can't believe that is legal haha. They're all 1 to 1 models of the Games Workshop line.
My Kroxigors with jade weaponry: [IMG] [IMG] Kroxigors are giant crocodilian relatives of the Saurus. They are hulking creatures, their bodies...
[IMG] My Bastiladon. Hopefully he will have a brother one day (Ark of Sotek). Known to the Skinks as the Bastiladon, this hulking quadruped is...
Kroxigors [IMG] [IMG] Kroxigors are giant crocodilian relatives of the Saurus. They are hulking creatures, their bodies consisting of slabs of...
I am looking for kits that would look good for dead bodies on a base. So people with tortured expressions on their faces, poses of panic and...
You should make a custom slann next. We need more variety with those badboys.