Said Toucan Wing Guards, WIP:[ATTACH]
Howdy! I hope everyone is having a swell Wednesday! I have been busy with classes and general life, I'm taking accounting 2 and Econ 2 this...
Ha, no disappointment, that's just how it goes sometimes! haha
Not sure if anyone answered this, nor if it applies anymore... but for me it really depends, but I generally go same as hide vs belly. Either way...
really amazing work on this, can't wait to see it
Thanks man! I appreciate it :) I love how the model naturally gives that pose for the weapons, I do think it was a good choice of weapons for...
Really well done everyone, you all should be really proud of the work done here. Id love to see any of these across the table from me
Have you seen the conversions of Seraphon into 40k...using, squats, I think? they look amazing
Good lord, you're right, it is lol I'm so used to being in the painting section xD my mistake haha
I really like the story, I think its a great start and gives a good picture of the origins of your temple host. There are a few word hishaps, but...
First true post of the year, and it feels good! I had mentioned that I was in a painting competition, and I thought it appropriate to share the...
If you wanted to tie in Seraphon lore into your 40k lore, you could hint that the Slann is still alive because your other Seraphon/Lizardmen...
I feel attacked by this lolol
Love this so much
Hope you're doing well man! This is looking great, I especially love the cloth, looks so natural! The quiver also looks very realistic to me....
Love this idea
Original: <Place Holder> ********************************************************************************************************** Hey Lustria!...
Nearly finished with my Battlesmith, and I am PUMPED about it. I am absolutely on love with how the banner and gold in general has come out,...
Thank you! I've been real focused on it, I am a bit surprised at how quickly I reached this point lol may be the last update for a bit though,...