I am very aware that cogs is a critical piece in the Trog Bomb combo. I mostly just don't wanna sound doom and gloom and instead focus on how the...
They updated endless spells. Cogs changed big time. They no longer let you reroll casts and now let you cast mystic shield and arcane bolt without...
Build an army with your old stuff and play a few games. See what you are missing in your list and you can start adding new stuff. Nothing is so...
I don't know why people think coalesced can't cast spells. All the competitive coalesced lists last season has a Slann in it. The new frost spell...
I think on paper it makes sense but in an actual game it's not worth having three units that must stick so close together for just a couple extra...
To be fair complaining that you have to take a Slann in coalesced is a weak argument as very list last book has a Slann in it too. Lore wise every...
I think the problem with the spawn is how people look at it. They see the spawn as a monster killer who only has a 50/50 shot and a secondary...
Keep in mind that agrodons were just released yesterday so most people do not have them for list building. That may also be the reason there were...
A list alone will not win you any games but you can't win unless your list is good. All we know is that two players got to play in a small...
We will be seeing lots of chargers. Both is starborne and coalesced. They are one of our best units being very fast and deadly. I wish they would...
For those of you worried about how strong our new book is, it looks like seraphon took first and second at one of the first tournaments to allow...
Honestly all the rules are online, you can find them. If you haven't been playing competitively just stick to what you have been playing. If you...
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[IMG] Looks like I am not the only one feeling that the skink starpriest isn't worth it. I saw a thread on Reddit today coming up with the same...
The 5+ ward turn 1 on a trog is not the worst. Between 5+ ward, stegadon helm, stench, mystic shield, finest hour, all out defense etc he can be...
With coherency rules you are looking at 7 chargers in combat and 3 in the back sideways. So 4MWs instead of 3MWs. He is one of our best models...
The skink Starpriest has long been the little skink that packs a big punch. His signature ability the serpent staff allows wound rolls of 6 to...
Not going to lie the seraphon player did not seem to know what he was doing. The list was just stuff they had in the studio already which is fine...
I hear what you are saying but I feel like if you are taking everything for Trog Bomb except the Trog Bomb. You have the skink wizards, the...
My biggest problem with starborne outside of the Trog Bomb list is that it doesn't really have any good hammers or anvils. I love chargers and...