Well in the battleshock video they got the general vampire down to 1 wound on turn one. Then he charged his Saurus warriors into it and let it...
Unless your are really close to killing a major threat or you are hitting 4-5 things with cleanse the realms I think it is almost always better to...
Seeing Stone of Celennar: A priceless gift from Celennar to Teclis, this allows the bearer to see the flow of magic itself - and alter it to his...
With the hype of the new book, one list has overshadowed most others in discussion and that list is the Trog Bomb / CCP Engine. What is Trog...
Just read the Khorne FAQ and karanak let's you summon flesh hounds within 9" of himself even it that it within 3" of an enemy meaning telepathic...
We are not officially released so no FAQ for us yet. I think we will have all our models out in June so a July FAQ is probably the most likely.
The way the spell is supposed to be played is, when your Slann is being attacked you summon a unit to help. If there is a 9" restriction then it...
I think we should wait until the faq comes out to really say how good we will be. If telepathic summoning let's you summon into combat we might...
Just watched a thunderlizards list play StD. Looked like a super fun game. What I do have to say is kroak and troglodon are great in coalesced...
The sub-50% winrate has only been a thing in the past few months after yet another point hike. When our book came out 40 skinks were 240 points...
To get krox turn 1 you need to get every spell off with no unbinds or fails. While this is possible for your kroak and Slann with cogs your Trog...
Also I just wanna say I have been extremely impressed with the tanking power of the Troglodon and bastiladon. The Trog needs to be buffed up but...
What do you consider the best summons from the list? I don't like Krox because they can just sit around but they are one of the tougher units. 12...
Depends on the list but I think we just fold to the double zombie dragon list. The spell spam list just invests too many points into kroak,...
I saw the report and the lists. It was both of their first times playing the lists. So I am sure there are a lot of little tricks both players...
Honestly that seems like a better option. I have been playing around with a way to add chargers to my list and the starpriest is good with them...
While the extra CCP is nice and getting rid of ward saves is nice. I think losing the bastiladon drops a rock the army needs. I just fear with so...
My biggest fear with Trog Bomb is that it will be too much of a rock paper scissors match up. Against a traditional lists you will kill all their...
Yeah that is my biggest problem with Saurus is they can do some nice tricks but other armies do it and just hit harder. And a carnosaur is no maw...
So CCP engine is just Trog Bomb with an extra Slann. Is the summoning worth the cost of a Slann? Maybe. I don't think Skink Board control is...