So this seems to be THE starborne list. The only thing up for debate is what troops are best. I think you really want to be two drop. Picking...
To be honest hunters are just bad and there shooting attack will only be doing like 2 damage so you a better off just not fielding them. Chargers...
This makes me very sad. We were the kings of endless spells, now we are just like everyone else with no unique spells of our own. Our slans...
I would drop skinks, krox and swords. You can summon the krox back turn 1 if you get all your spells off. But I am still not sure what the best...
I would consider kroak for this list. Kroak's signature spell plays very well with the troglodon. Turn one you teleport the trog into the center...
Well I am excited to teleport a troglodon into the middle of my opponents line up turn one and have kroak fry any small heros and chip units down...
Where is this rumor about scaly skin coming from? I keep hearing it but never seen an official source.
Why is Daughters getting a book? Didn't they get a book in early 2021? Aren't they doing reasonably well? What is the point of them getting a book...
I have been noticing this too and I think there are a few reasons why. 1) kroak was never bad. Both kroak and Slann are amazingly strong. High...
Seraphon is the strongest army in the game right now so if you are just playing casual just about everything is good. In tournaments people have...
I know you say you don't have an engine of the gods but you could take a stegadon and put a priest on top and say it's a engine. I think an engine...
The terradon chief with arcane tome is probably a meme. If you really wanted to extend kroak's spells, an engine of the gods with the tome is an...
Terradon chiefs are the new meta! The second place list at the London open also took a terradon chief! (first place was also seraphon btw) The...
Maybe you can drop a skink priest and the burning head for 5 more guard. I love the life swarm in the list. Wish there was a way to add an...
Before trying to fix saurus I think you need to try to define what role you actually want them to take and then think whether that is actually...
Even without allegiance abilities Slann, skink priests, salamanders etc are top tier. Allegiance abilities just put things over the top because...
Our battletomb is bonkers. Our "weak" stuff is still stronger than most armies. That said the list is still soild. Slann + celestant + chameleons...
Also I wanna point out that although we are in the top 5 armies we are not a meta defining army. That is to say people don't need to build...
One thing to remember about our win rate is that our lists are some of the most diverse in the meta game. While there are popular units like...
I think the problem with Kroak right now is that he is really good against armies we already beat while not helping against armies we struggle...