Thanks guys, I'm pretty happy with it. Next up, in my delivery-to-be: 2 x bastilidons, loads of skinks and some terradons
All done! Decks are clear again for the models in the post! Roll on Saturday! [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I'll go one further - if someone can give precise measurements, I'd like to build my own from blue foam. Ideally, width & depth of base, height of...
Got it primed, and did the basic colors. Pretty happy with it - I'd seen plenty done in the reverse colors (blue underneath, orange up top) but I...
Where are these terrain placement rules coming from? The are not on the warscroll and don't seem to match other faction terrain? Anyone seen an...
Ok, base done. Let it dry and might get time to start painting over the weekend.[ATTACH] [ATTACH]
The big spikes on the back are just done by hand, with a few lines scraped in with a sculpting tool. The armour plates are made by squishing out...
Ok, all done. I'll cut a base for him tomorrow from MDF [ATTACH]
Bit more work on the big boy. Need to let it all curen and see about a base [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
I'll definitely be getting one of the new start collecting boxes, all those skinks will be yellow too
Painted up 28 extra saurus warriors this weekend. Now want to lie down. [ATTACH]
Pair of razordons kitbashed from spare cold ones [ATTACH]
Some proxy salamanders I found on Etsy: [ATTACH]
Yeah, I do 90% of the work through airbrush. I just pick up brushes for the final details.
Vallejo game color magic blue, with a zenithal coat of Vallejo light sea blue (I think? Paints not in front of me)
Making a pair of razordons while waiting on the postman to bring stuff. I also have 28 eBay rescue saurus warriors to add to the horse [ATTACH]
Same on the Irish store. A lot of models temp unavailable (Slann, krox, bastilidon, stegadon, warriors, salamander, razordon, etc..). They were...
Did a wee bit more today. Then ran out of brown stuff. More on order. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Some work, mostly on the head and some banding on the tail [ATTACH] [ATTACH]