Yes that's the idea. They are really pigmented by flow into crevices so the colour is dark there and then thin and light on the edges. So if you...
I need to finish off my custom inquisitor, just slapping some dudes guys together while I wait for a chance to buy primer, want to do some hunting...
Just pointing out this isn't a new thing the old enforcer models got their bolters and carapace Armour going on too. Guardsmen have always been...
This too shall pass. Let's see a little cold blooded resolve out there :)
Oh chill my lizards channel that cold blooded special rule. I assume this week might have been sylvaneth if not for the delays hence the gap?...
I dunno there's only so many older kits you want to keep stockpiled in warehouses. Probably not huge demand for them either. There's an...
I assume you're making the modern slann rather then the old palanquin one? You know what here's both from a quick google search :P...
I can't tell you much about how metaviable it is. But if you want to start a seraphon army it is a great value for models box. Mostly just...
Coming into the end of the month stay focused everyone! .... huh finally have a copy of witcher 3..... no stop stay motivated to paint!!!! :P
Haha funny the skin was my favourite part what caught my eye first. :P
Looks good, i've been considering doing the skin tight fabric cloths on some of my own project. Just needs some turf to play on and some team...
The only one you need to compare yourself to is yourself. Just focus on getting better and painting to the level you want. If you focus on others...
I think it is mostly likely part of whatever endless spells the seraphon get. I think there has also been as much as 9 months time between a a...
Or You know forget the mathhammer and just have fun? :P
The red with orange highlights always reminds me of ripe fruit., looks nice against the blues. Nice and striking good job :) .
Hopefully we'll see some more at the end of the month, I'm always interested in the underworlds warbands they are cool little sets I havn't dipped...
Depends, they could be counting on people with backlogs using it to paint a lot more, or people building bigger back logs cause they can paint...
I feel like if they do revamp them they will make them less generic fantasy armies and more unique to the age of sigmar.
See I feel like you're going a step or two of detail more then I am considering given the videos we've seen like that pox walker. I'm assuming...
They have some really dynamic sculpts, almost makes me want to get them.....