I'm a bit surprised they havn't smushed them into a free city peoples amalgam ah la warcraft :P
To ebay with you I think.
You could really bring out the grey with a mechanicus standard grey spray, then running 1:1 nuln oil and lhamia media into the deepest recesses...
I mean its probably cheaper then buying a base, wash and something to drybrush highlights on you would need to get to this stage in a quick ready...
I have no idea whats going on with its face and i'm very distressed.... nice :D
You can't have forbidden power its in the name! Forbidden!!!!
No you're not allowed, I forbid it!!!
I mean that assumes the shipping delay is resolved and that the delay doesn't affect other things coming down the time but sure that seems like a...
I will give them a try, i have some 5th edminis that could use a slap of paint. Tho I don't think this will really change my approach to painting...
Mhm just not sure how much thunder they want to steal from them just yet.
https://www.ukgamesexpo.co.uk/bookevents.php?subcat=gws boop . They still havn't released warcry or forbidden power so maybe hold tight?
Actually the lion is perhaps a bigger clue then you let on. If it was say elves it could give a look at the new direction a highelves successor...
I really don't think anything has changed there's been what 1 destruction 3 chaos 1 death and 2 order battletomes this year. The one battletome a...
Human followers of sotek anyone? This is why I keep splashing cold water on you my lizard friends. Really if there wasn't a teaser vid we should...
I had heard the one new tome per grand alliance before this. They might be referring more to like gloomspite gitz and hedonites of slanesh level...
Yup, the idea that enforcers would be next wasn't new it was probably hovering at semiconfirmed rumor which is about where it still is. But I was...
Poor necromunda, headlines the other games tag of the seminars and not a single new thing actually revealed.... Actually there's almost no big new...
Thanks, my non hobby friends will be thankful these are the last nurgle guys I'll be working on for a bit. :P
All done with the gellerpox. [ATTACH] It took a couple tries to get the skin right on Mr Tickles and then the transition on the tentacles. But...
Yes I understand that I'm just saying here's a bit of salt, a splash of cold water even. This could end up being anything. Same thing with the...