Thats how they get you, tempting boxed sets with deliscious deals on minis, but what if you don't split them with a friend.... what if you keep...
Those are some nasty looking spiders, very cool :P
I've been very tempted by the latest chaos barbarians, very conan. The shadespire warbands just ooze so much character, life the stars align I...
That shortened great weapon makes one mean looking club :D
That's probably why I've always been more interested in the cargo cultist skinks and their zealous and crafty fighters that have all the character...
Yeah I generally like the turns AoS seems to have taken with the fantasy word but the poor lizards could really use some grounding. I feel like...
I mean despite the fact that I brought them up, the problem with rumor engines is they can be almost anything by the end. :P A warcry faction,...
I think it was the very start of January, but yeah destruction could use some love too.
Yeah the AoS boxed sets have been selling out fast, lack of supply or unexpected demand I'm not sure :P This is why I'm telling you guys yield...
That seems a bit optimistic and likely to get you hurt if you hang your hopes on it. How about a nice terrain centerpiece or an endless spell...
Whoops haha well it would make a nice scale pattern :P
Oooo I like the scales on the body of that traglodon good job :) .
I mean only by technicality, that cape is made of skinks :P
Still MIA acording to this list. Squigs also have ... significantly smoother skin.
The only way to be free of temptation is to yield! Give in give in I say!!!! :P
Each and everyone one of my models I'm happy with but also see every imperfection, they are all kinda shit in my eyes..... I feel like most of us...
That looks like a good choice of wash :) coelia if i'm not mistaken.
I've read rumours this contrast thing might be a quick shade like what army painter has. Which seems highly plausible? A GW version of an existing...
Looks like a nice little scheme you have there :) Stay motivated and try to juts chip away at it, I always find painting blobs of infantry the...
I assume the ruins will be similarly priced to the 40k stuff so maybe just start with a smaller temple and expand your sprawling complex over time...