Woa, nice beastmen there. Love all your heated firey effects.
Wooo lizard overlord, hang in there it's a lot to paint :D
So april projects. I painted up my chameleon skinks having already done Oxyotl a few years ago,I wasn't feeling boxed into copying those...
Finishing up some very bright chameleon skinks then maybe onto Elucia Vhane, weather tomorrow looks good for primeing....
Did both top heads come out with weird teeth? If you don't have any other luck trying to get a replacement I'm pretty sure I have a spare finecast...
Very vibrant skinks you did a great job with them, model looks great. :)
So, recent projects continue to be lizard thin, but lets see what I have to show off. I realise I never showed off some of my more recent...
Finish up my palette cleanse ,16 poxwalkers I started a week ago (13/16 down)? Going to look at assembling some more terradons (I feel I have a...
I was going to say caliban green, warpstone and moot with maybe some ... wait a miniture there was a video on this wasn't there! [MEDIA] Yeah...
They look just like they're supposed to!, as my girlfriend would say :P. Good job with the classic colours.
Thanks, I've been working on some poxwalkers and KT rogue trader stuff while i figure out what to do with the crew. Might steal one of the big...
I've been playing with this little kit bash. [ATTACH] I don't know that I can get it carried and I don't know if I really want to find lizard to...
Lets see I finished my kroxigors, my eyestinger swarms, my goliaths and I am almost done my voidsmen. Maybe Elucia Vhane, poxwalkers or some...
I do like it. Good job on the fire effect, they're tricky.
Reworked these javalin skinks that I did back in the old days. Turned all the green scales and fins yellow, dry brush the shields and black stripe...
Thanks, guys. I'm retouching some skinks to make them match my kroxigors and my stegadon. Pics when I'm done highlighting the yellow.
I'd say the more you want to actually play the game with a painted army the more corners you should cut, if you're really more into just painting...
Ok so I know I've been a bit short on lizards lately.... but I whiped these Kroxigors up this week. Just a few touch ups and I think I'm happy...
And some more non Lizard stuff. It's cold out what with the polar vortex and the lizards are huddled deep in their temples. I did some more...
I need to finish up 15/16 Goliaths and then maybe work on these Kroxigors with the funny arms that I love so much.But I'll probably get distracted...