Not when a cinema ticket is so expensive, saw this being debated as well. Not many people willing to take a punt when it costs so much, I've heard...
Yes! Very raptor-esque. Although full disclosure, mine are 3D printed - but they are scans of the GW originals. GW did a good job on these!
Painting gaunts! [IMG]
HA yeah it isn't very grimdark to comparing them to something David Attenborough would comment on
IF there is room for serious discussion, I'll weigh in with my personal opinion and outlook on the weird time we find ourselves in - I think the...
I have also thought that if the Tyranids need to "feed", it wouldn't be in their best interests to destroy all life in the universe, there would...
This is also true! biomass isn't just fauna but flora as well. It's the age old argument - Ultimately if the lore was to be believed, either the...
I will caveat the following by saying that I am a new 40k player and only have a handful of games under my belt but this is what I have found:...
Southpark never miss
It would be to have paper rules for Chaos Dwarfs, can't get on with PDF's
I know you have advocated against them already but the Tyranids are my personal favourite 40k army because they are the only faction that aren't a...
Also Triumph and treachery is great fun if there is an odd number of players
I have been on the hunt for a reasonably priced copy of Tamurkhan for years, alas it has officially fallen into collector status. Good work! very...
Can't believe Chaos dwarfs are bottom half of the leaderboard
I dunno what you're talking about, that all female ghostbuster film was great!
Do we not think that perhaps the female custodes thing is maybe being blown out of proportion? I don't really follow the 40k lore so perhaps I am...
Ahmen. Having said that, ever since I got into 3D printing - I can't remember the last time I bought from GW. Really does make the hobby affordable.
Funnily enough I like to run an endless swarm detachment which centres around exactly that - plenty of provision for horde armies in 10th edition,...
The most important rule is the rule of cool. Remember that. I aim to give my players the starship trooper experience and oh boy do I aim to please :)
I play Tyranids as a melee only army as they are the only army that isn't a humanoid holding a gun, unique and thematic to me in that sense. Ah...