I was trying to embed a GIF and failed miserably which has rather undermined the joke somewhat! I can’t seem to remove them ha
I like these. I wouldn’t play the faction given the choice but I like these models.
Is this service still running…? :)
The last sentence In the BRB states that “if the monster is removed, so are its handlers”. So when the salamander dies, the handlers that were...
The handlers assigned to the salamander that died should have been removed along with it in that scenario. I meant to say there shouldn’t be a...
thank you for the pointers, regarding the ark of sotek I always forget to change it to a solar engine in BattleScribe. It’s only there because in...
The handlers are just wound markers for the salamander. While they can attack in close combat, if the salamander dies they die. That would also...
Alternatively, something like this, very magic light: ++ Standard (Lizardmen - Army Book (2013-8) -V8.8.0.) [1,499pts] ++ + Uncategorised + -...
I will be unaware of any mechanical reasons why they would be unplayable in AOS as I do not play it. However they will be well suited to previous...
what makes them obsolete dare I ask?
So, first game since covid hit in our games group. Introductory 1.5k game against our Skaven player and I’m a little lost at these points to be...
No need to remind me of the cold hard truth, optimism is what we need!
you might bloody love TOW yet…. ;)
They renamed them Orruks what more could you want? :D
That’s a lot of rats!
I want to see everyone unite under one banner again.
you can only go so far trying to make orcs and elves your own unique thing