M My new title may yet be fleeting… :rolleyes:
Victory is mine
it’s a nice one to play together cos it’s co-op! Nice looking Nito!
The guy was just keeping the seat warm, anyone proxying off of anything GW have made run the risk. I think in this instance GW are in the right....
If you love characters on foot, I have been looking at strats that are mostly utilised by ogres but I don’t see why it couldn’t work for lizards....
After getting my books out I can’t see anything about the howdah crew negating any effects from shooting, it just allows you to shoot and move. So...
I agree that the company I remember from the late 90's/00's is very much dead and gone however I think they have shown they have a rough handle on...
I see the announcement of TOW as them saying that they’ve seen and heard players like you and me (of which there must be many for them to even...
As much as we love to hate GW, they are the company that created the game we play and enjoy. worth remembering!
boooooooo naysayer!;) you are almost certainly correct however…
I love this thread, it’s got everything! gotta say my favourite Lizardmen proxies are Lost Kingdom Miniatures still - very very nice “Krox”
I like the discussion, however, applying modern scientific fact and philosophy to a fantasy world where magic and gods are very real seems...
yeeeeaaahhhhh they will, I reckon there’s enough space between the chest/legs of the model behind to fit the tail. Bit like the droid tanks in the...
I do like the model, I guess I’m more an optimist than a certain bringer of the night when it comes to new releases
what’s the opposite to a nay-sayer?
I’m a few years late to the party but I’ve only ever played 8th edition in terms of a fantasy tabletop war game setting.
Check this treasure trove out:...
Hobby wise I am doing nothing. I’ve completely lost my mojo recently :(
I don't think the fact we get PDF rules is a reason to jump off the hype train. We got pretty much everything we wanted - this is a massive win...